Monday, December 7, 2009

Jesus is the reason...

It almost seems cliche now to say "Jesus is the Reason for the Season," but it doesn't change the truth of the statement at all. During a day and time when people are afraid to say "Merry Christmas," and our wise Governor decides to have a "Holiday Tree" in Frankfort because its more politically correct, it's certainly worth reminding anyone and everyone that Jesus is still the reason we celebrate at Christmastime.

Last night, I took Brandon and Chad with some friends and we went to see "One Special Night in Bethlehem," an outdoor drama of the nativity scene at New Hope Church in McCracken County. It was so moving to see Bethlehem re-created and to see the young couple and the baby in the stable. As I stared at the little baby, knowing the One he represented, joy was in my heart and a lump was in my throat. How far have we really come since that first Christmas? Bethlehem was a buzz with the census, and the inns were booked because of all the visitors. Poor Joseph and Mary were forced to stay in a barn and Jesus was born next to farm animals while the rest of the city bustled with excitement for other things.

Here in America, we're all preparing for Santa, and gift giving and celebrations of food and family. However, are we leaving Jesus out of it all? Is He on the outside of our hearts because there's no room for Him inside, just as there was no room for Him in the Inn?

This Christmas, open your hearts to the joy of Jesus Christ, and make Him your most prized gift. His grace is the one thing you won't have to worry about not fitting, breaking too soon, or going out of style. Embrace the true gift of grace this Christmas and share it with others.

Yes, we all need to be reminded the true reason for the season. Jesus.

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